An action that defines what blocks constitutes a starship. This must be done once before piloting, but does not need to be done again unless the ship's block composition changes.
The collection of blocks connected to the jukebox and on the pilotable blocks list will be considered "detected" and part of the new starship. "Connected" means that the target block is adjacent to the starship in all directions, including diagonally.
To redetect, left click the ship computer with a controller. This brings up the ship computer menu.
Change the starship type (3rd button from the left) to the desired type.
Open the ship computer menu again and redetect (leftmost button).
Upon a successful redetect, you will receive a message stating the redetect was successful along with the block count of the starship.
If the redetect fails, check if the starship is connected to something (the ground or a building). If needed, contact staff to unstuck the starship.
Right click the Cruise Control [cruise] sign in the direction that you want to go, or use /cruise in the direction that you want to go. Your starship will move quickly in the specified direction.
Left click the Cruise Control sign, or use /cruise again to slow down and stop.
Cruise speed is based on thruster composition and mass.
Depending on the location of the thrusters, cardinal and intercardinal cruising is possible.
Direct control or colloquially "DC" is activated via the /dc command and allows for fine control of your starship.
Direct control allows you to control your starship's movement manually: w, a, s, and d keys control strafing and upward/downward movement (the w and a keys are inverted in this case.)
Commonly utilized to control smaller warships such as gunships and starfighters within combat.
DC speed is determined by the block count of a starship, every 700 block increment decreases total DC speed.