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The Arimfean Remnant

Flag of Arimfea

Demonym Arimfean, Arimfiyyan
Activity level Medium (as of January 2025)
Capital city Laconia (provisional)
Settlements Laconia, UKIP
Government Absolute Monarchy (2016-2019)
Semi-Constitutional Monarchy (2019-2024)
Dictatorship (de facto, 2022-2024)
Rump State (2024-present)
• Sultan (Arimfoğlu dynasty)
Middosk (regnal name: Raimus II)
• Grand Vizier
• Vizier
• Pasha
• Bey
Foundation date 27 December, 2022

25 October, 2016, Star Legacy

Preceded by The Arimfean Caliphate, The Arimfean Sultanate
Language English, Dutch, Turkish, Arabic
Religion Sunni Islam (state religion)
National anthem Grande Marche du Médjidié

Arimfea, also called the Arimfean Remnant or أرمفيا, is the oldest lasting nation in space-minecraft history. On Horizon's End, the nation was re-established on the 27th of December, 2022. It slowly transitioned from a pirate-oriented semi-constitutional monarchy into a de facto dictatorship under Grand Vizier Vortexion. Vortexion focused more on the development of cities and stations such as Cadia and Seraph. Vortexion would eventually leave the nation for Cortesia Del Mar, effectively causing the collapse of Arimfea. During this time, most key settlements and members also seceded. Sultan Middosk returned to activity the autumn of 2024 and reinstated the absolute monarchy. Today the remnants of Arimfea mostly keep to their own affairs, with occasional pirate activity.

History[edit | edit source]

Arimfea was formally founded by MicleBrick on the 25th of October, 2016 on Star Legacy, the space-minecraft successor to StarQuest and predecessor server to Horizon's End. However, early conceptions of the Arabian inspired pirate nation were materializing as early as 2014 on StarQuest, within the factions of RedChaos and SkyDogs. Arimfea was born into a conflict with Oblivion, a rival privateer nation. After Oblivion left the server, Arimfea became what is widely considered to have been the most succesful pirate nation on Star Legacy. In 2018, during its golden age, it had no serious opposition from colonists or privateers and fully controlled two entire planets. Arimfea is the only nation in the shared history of SL and HE to accomplish such a feat.

MicleBrick had organized Arimfea as an absolute monarchy, but had become increasingly stubborn towards the end of 2018. Disagreements with the leadership of Hibernia escalated into a secession and the establishment of the Sakaran Executive Republic. This newly independent nation allied with a resurgent Oblivion. With most of their fleet and elite pilots having left the nation, Arimfea stood little chance and suffered incredibile losses. MicleBrick reformed the nation into a constitutional monarchy, abandoning piracy. He allied with Ekatera and formed the Andromedan Republic, a grand alliance and confederation of most nations on the server. The Andromedan Republic would defeat Oblivion eventually, but Arimfea never recovered from its initial losses and never resumed piracy. The Andromedan Republic would eventually stagnate and collapse in the Andromedan Republic-Vega War, with Arimfea remaining mostly dormant thereafter.

MicleBrick had named Middosk (then known as amgar007) as his Emir in 2019. Using this claim to the throne, he re-established Arimfea on Horizon's End together with Vortexion and FellOffBridge. Middosk maintained the constitutional structure that Micle implemented but would delegate much of the nation to Vortexion due to his own inactivity. Vortexion effectively ran the nation solely, nominally still maintaining the Sultanate. His leadership turned Arimfea into a great power, even briefly being considered a possible competitor by the server hegemon, Vega. Vortexion's rule was not all positive. Disagreements with FellOffBridge led to his secession, with the same happening later with Blackular and Haven's secession. Vortexion would eventually leave the nation himself as well, joining Cortesia Del Mar. With his departure, all three major space stations and Arimfea's sole remaining trade city of Cadia were lost. Vortexion appointed Peregri as succeeding Grand Vizier, who would later return power to the Sultan. Arimfea now only remains as a remnant nation with a provisional capital at Laconia. Arimfea has mostly kept out of server affairs, focusing more inwardly on recovery and occasional piracy or bounty hunting.

Internal Politics[edit | edit source]

Arimfea is currently organised as a feudal empire, with an assembly of nobility leading the nation via consensus. This "first" assembly is chaired by the Sultan. The nobility has two ranks, Pasha and Bey, with the former given to leaders of large settlements and the second to those of smaller ones. Arimfea has no constitution, as it was abolished by Sultan's decree following the collapse of the nation. There exists, however, a defunct constitutional system of a "second" assembly. This assembly is chaired by the (elected) Grand Vizier, who appoints Viziers to serve as their government. In this system, the first assembly has far less executive power and the Sultan would serve as a more ceremonial position.

Claims and Territory[edit | edit source]

Nation Territories:

  • Clovis Bay (Chandra);
  • Latte Plains (Kovfefe);
  • Grogus Valley (Ilius);
  • Eren Archipelago (Vask);
  • Power Glacier (Turms);
  • Mount Doom Caldera (Qatra);
  • Casius Depression (Herdoli);
  • Diminuta (Krio);
  • Temple Island North (Lioda);
  • Sidius Ridge (Gahara).


  • Laconia (Krio);
  • UKIP (Lioda).

Officially Arimfea also claims (but does not own) the stations of Elysium and Fortitude in Regulus, as well as the station Seraph in Sirius. These are currently owned by Cortesia del Mar. Arimfea has no siegeable stations.

Diplomatic Relations[edit | edit source]

Arimfea used to be part of the Ilios Alliance as a founding member, but left shortly after Vortexion's departure. It is now distant towards the alliance, and has openly stated their distaste of and rival attitude towards Cortesia del Mar. Arimfea had a short-lived alliance with Ekatera up until the Vega-Ekatera War. Arimfea has since allied with Vega, but announced no military ties to them.