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220 articles, 4,424 edits, 216 users

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If you want to edit, consider joining the Horizon's End discord: JFRWHnc42s

From the Featured Article

An asteroid bearing titanium.

Natural resources are items that can be obtained by mining or collecting them. (Full article...)

Current Events

A photo of Hegemony at night.
  • After nine months of work, the city of Hegemony was accepted as Horizon’s End’s fifth player Trade City.
  • After several weeks of war against the nation of Vega, the combat protection for the Ekateran capital city of Altar Sanctorium fell for the first time on Wednesday, leading to several attacks before it was restored.
  • The judicial branch of the nation of Cortesia Del Mar handed down a court judgment ruling that so-called “joke candidates” are not barred from running legitimately for elected office.

What is Horizon's End?

Horizon's End is a Minecraft server set in space. The server's custom mechanics, which are fully Vanilla-compatible, allow players to:

This wiki documents Horizon's End, the mechanics that drive it, and the rise and fall of its players and civilizations.


The Horizon's End wiki welcomes anyone who wishes to contribute to documenting Horizon's End. To see what needs to be written, check out Special:WantedPages.

To communicate with other wiki editors, we recommend visiting the #wiki channel on the Horizon's End discord. We're happy to answer any questions!

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