
From Horizon's End Wiki
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Nations are are an entity consisting of member settlements and players. Create a nation to collaborate with other players and participate in nation activities.

For a Complete list of nations go here: geopolitics

Creating A Nation

Players must be level 12 to create a nation.
A nation must be created by the owner of a settlement. That player will become the leader of the nation.
It costs 20000 credits to form a nation.

Nation Abilities

Claim territories on a planet without forming a settlement with /n claim.
Invite another settlement to join your nation with /n invite.
Participate in siege station sieges with /siege. The maximum benefit a nation can extract from siege stations is 300C/hour (4 stations) per payout and potentially a 30% bonus to crating (6 stations); aditionally, siege stations reduce warm up times in hyperdrives.
Create your own nation space stations (separate from siege stations) with /nstation; the price per given radius equates to .5 x (πr^2).
Earn passive income for every active player in your nation.

Nation Commands

/nrole : Modify nation roles
/n ally : Set another nation to Ally status
/n friendly : Set another nation to Friendly status
/n neutral : Set another nation to Neutral status
/n unfriendly : Set another nation to Unfriendly status
/n enemy : Set another nation to Enemy status
/n relations : Check nation relations
/n balance (nation) : Check the balance of a nation
/n deposit : Deposit money into the nation balance
/n withdraw : Withdraw money from the nation balance
/n claim : Claim a nation territory
/n unclaim : Unclaim a nation territory
/n top : View the top nations on Horizon's End
/n invites : Check your current nation invites
/n create : Form a nation
/n set capital : Sets the capital settlement of a nation (transfers leadership)
/n set color : Change the nation color
/n set name : Rename a nation
/n disband : Deletes the nation (cannot be undone)
/n info : Checks nation info
/n invite : Invite a settlement to a nation
/n kick : Kicks a settlement from the nation