
From Horizon's End Wiki
(Redirected from Hyperdrives)

Hyperdrives allow a starship to enter hyperspace and travel vast distances quickly.
Hyperdrives can be detected with the sign text [hyperdrive].
Two chetherite must be in each hopper of the hyperdrive to jump. The chetherite is consumed upon a successful jump. If there is not enough chetherite, the ship will fail to jump.
Larger hyperdrives consume more chetherite (as they have more hoppers), and take longer to warm up, but also have a faster travel time in hyperspace.
Hyperdrive warm up times can be reduced by owning Siege Stations.

Class 1 Hyperdrive[edit | edit source]

Class 1 Hyperdrive

Hyperdrive, class 1

Chetherite consumed per jump 4
Resource Requirements

Class 1 Hyperdrives provide a slow but reliable way to enter hyperspace.

Class 2 Hyperdrive[edit | edit source]

Class 2 Hyperdrive
Chetherite consumed per jump 4
Resource Requirements

Class 2 Hyperdrives have a marginally slower charge time but travel faster in hyperspace compared to the previous hyperdrive class.
They are the fastest hyperdrive that does not consume extra Chetherite.

Class 3 Hyperdrive[edit | edit source]

Chetherite consumed per jump 6
Resource Requirements

Class 3 Hyperdrives have a marginally slower charge time but travel faster in hyperspace compared to the previous hyperdrive class.

Class 4 Hyperdrive[edit | edit source]

Chetherite consumed per jump 12
Resource Requirements

Class 4 Hyperdrives have a marginally slower charge time but travel faster in hyperspace compared to the previous hyperdrive class.