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The Vesta is a medium-size shuttle purchasable from a Ship Dealer.

Block count 100-1,000
Shield count 1
Movement Speed ~26
Crate Slots 15
Weapons 1x Plasma Cannon, 2x Torpedoes
Ship Info Interdiction Range: 300m
Mining Lasers: 1x T1

Shuttles are the first tier of Trade Ship Types. Shuttle craft are diverse thanks to their wide size range, allowing a designer to make a small passenger pod, a low-profile salvage vessel, or a hefty hauler ship. Compared to the Starfighter class, Shuttles can carry more containers, more cargo, and can mount mining lasers.

The Vesta is generally understood to be the best NPC dealer ship available. It costs only 200 credits and allows for players to easily haul cargo, do commissionsy, or just explore the galaxy.

The features of this tier are:

  • Can jump without a navigation computer; this GREATLY reduces jump range, and uses a lot of fuel!

Tips[edit | edit source]

Shuttles are flexible because of their size, and are best used to just ferry players around the galaxy. If you are a new player and this is your only trade ship class, it’s recommended that you do Daily Commissions to make money rather than cargo hauling.

If building a cargo transport, a 1,000 block maximum size is able to accommodate 15 cargo crates. Since the crates count as blocks once loaded, this must be accounted for in the hull’s design.

Try to aim for:

  • Be 985 blocks when empty (1,000 total - 15 crates)
  • Shields could be either a 2.0 or 0.8 (larger shields do not have more health, so 0.8 is typically the best choice)

Optionally, you can add:

  • Tier 2/3 hyperdrive
  • Advanced nav computer
  • Tier 1 mining laser (this requires power generation capabilities either in the ship or on a friendly base)
  • Multiple chests for item storage
  • Power machines, like item chargers

Notable Shuttle Designs[edit | edit source]