
From Horizon's End Wiki
(Redirected from Helper)

The Horizon's End staff team is an appointed team of players on Horizon's End responsible for maintaining the server, moderating the community, and assisting players in-game when necessary.

All staff positions are appointed through application only, and come with additional expectations and duties beyond those that a typical Horizon's End player is held to. All staff have the ability to enter dutymode, which enables the controlled and monitored use of creative mode and command permissions, and places a red "+" sign next to the player's name in chat and on the player list, to indicate that they are performing staff duties.

Director[edit | edit source]

Director GutinGongoozler
Director Oriomium

Directors are individuals whose purview is the oversight and management of the server as a whole. These individuals typically focus on development and management, such as sustaining the server's finances, and creating new content for the server. These individuals typically stay out of server moderation issues.

While Oriomium manages much of the server's finances, GutinGongoozler, as the more active member of the community, is typically treated as the de facto server owner.

Senior Moderator[edit | edit source]

Sr. Moderator ItsAlreadyGold
Sr. Moderator MaidPierce

Senior Moderators are a selected group of trusted, long-standing moderators, who commensurately have additional duties and expectations. In addition to typical moderator duties, senior moderators are expected to manage the mod team itself, resolve disputes within the staff team, and oversee the hiring and removal of new Moderators and Helpers.

Previously named "Head Moderator", this role was renamed to "Senior Moderator" on 1 January 2025, to better reflect the integration of senior moderators with the rest of the moderation team.

Moderator[edit | edit source]

Moderator Solesey
Moderator GenBukkit
Moderator Consue

Moderators are players tasked with moderating the Horizon's End server community. Their purview involves interpreting and enforcing the server's rules, doling out punishments, and processing player report tickets.

These players also often fulfil Helper duties when necessary, and can be called on by players for these purposes as well.

Helper[edit | edit source]

Helper star_litty
Helper _s1ice
Helper Diena1rah
Helper Kwazedilla
Helper SIG130
Helper nungal
Helper Peregri
Helper MageOfMesaBluffs
Helper killer666dog
Helper FallenxStars

Helpers are players tasked with assisting other players in-game, typically to resolve bugs and gameplay issues. These staff members are not typically expected to handle player disputes, as their purview is more oriented towards the immediate assistance of players on the server.

This position is the most open of the server staff positions, with the roster of Helpers rotating frequently as players become active or inactive; most long-standing players who have a record of being helpful and knowledgeable in-game stand a reasonable chance of being accepted as a Helper, when applications are open.