Getting Your Patreon Benefits
Thanks for donating to the Horizon's End Patreon! In order to get your benefits in game, there's a short process of linking accounts to transfer that information over to the server:
1. Link your Patreon account to your Discord account[edit | edit source]
Follow Patreon's article to link your Patreon account to your Discord account.
2. Link your Discord account to your Minecraft account[edit | edit source]
Use /discord link ingame and follow the instructions to link your account.
3. Use your benefits[edit | edit source]
Use /dye [color] while holding a colored block or item to change the color of that item. Not all colored blocks and items can be dyed.
Use /plot claim while standing in an unowned Basic or Space Plot to claim your additional donator plots. You do not need to maintain a Patreon membership to retain access to your additional plots once they have been claimed.
Craft colored Energy Swords in Survival.
Format and color your ship's name by adding formatting tags.
Change your ingame player tag using /nickname.