
From Horizon's End Wiki
(Redirected from Settlements)

Settlements are are an entity consisting of member players. Create a settlement on a planet territory to build a base and set up infrastructure without fear of griefing (you may still be attacked).

Creating A Settlement[edit | edit source]

Perform /s create while in an empty territory.
Creating a settlement costs money depending on the size of the territory.

Settlement Abilities[edit | edit source]

All territory within the settlement borders is protected from grief (but not from attack).
Invite another player to join your nation with /s invite.
Set up zones that players can build in with /szone and /splot.
Earn passive income for every player in your settlement.

Settlement Commands[edit | edit source]

/settlement OR /s : Shows all settlement commands.
/s info (settlement) : Lists information about the specified settlement. If none listed, defaults to your own settlement
/s join [settlement] : Joins the specified settlement. You must have an invite from the settlement
/s leave : Leave your current settlement
/s create [name] [cost] : Create a settlement. Must be standing in an unclaimed territory and specify the cost of the claim
/s disband : Disbands your settlement. This cannot be undone
/s top : List the most active settlements
/s trusted add [player/settlement/nation] [name] : Trusts the specified player/settlement/nation to the settlement.
/s motd set [message] : Sets the motd of the settlement.
/s motd clear : Clears the motd.
/srole : Modify settlement roles
/s balance (settlement) : Check the balance of a settlement
/s invites : Check your current settlement invites
/s set name : Rename a settlement
/s invite : Invite a player to a settlement
/s kick : Kick a player from a settlement
/s deposit : Deposit money into the settlement balance
/s withdraw : Withdraw money from the settlement balance
/s set leader : Set the leader of the settlement (transfers ownership)
/szone : Set zones within your settlement
/splot : Claim zones and set their permissions