Module:Inventory slot: Difference between revisions
Module_>MarkusRost (Update format patterns) |
m (1 revision imported) |
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Latest revision as of 21:51, 16 February 2025
This module was ported from It is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
local p = {} local i18n = { filename = 'Invicon $1', legacyFilename = 'Grid $1.png', modLink = 'Mods/$1/$2', moduleAliases = [[Module:Inventory slot/Aliases]], moduleRandom = [[Module:Random]], -- List of special prefixes which should be handled by -- other modules (such as being moved outside links) prefixes = { any = 'Any', matching = 'Matching', damaged = 'Damaged', unwaxed = 'Unwaxed', }, suffixes = { be = 'BE', lce = 'LCE', }, } p.i18n = i18n local random = require( i18n.moduleRandom ).random local aliases = mw.loadData( i18n.moduleAliases ) local pageName = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text --[[Splits a given text into fragments separated by semicolons that are not inside square brackets. Written by AttemptToCallNil for the Russian wiki --]] local function splitOnUnenclosedSemicolons(text) local semicolon, lbrace, rbrace = (";[]"):byte(1, 3) local nesting = false local splitStart = 1 local frameIndex = 1 local frames = {} for index = 1, text:len() do local byte = text:byte(index) if byte == semicolon and not nesting then frames[frameIndex] = text:sub(splitStart, index - 1) frameIndex = frameIndex + 1 splitStart = index + 1 elseif byte == lbrace then assert(not nesting, "Excessive square brackets found") nesting = true elseif byte == rbrace then assert(nesting, "Unbalanced square brackets found") nesting = false end end assert(not nesting, "Unbalanced square brackets found") frames[frameIndex] = text:sub(splitStart, text:len()) for index = 1, #frames do frames[index] = (frames[index]:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "")) -- faster mw.text.trim end return frames end -- Performs a simple recursive clone of a table's values local function cloneTable( origTable ) local newTable = {} for k, v in pairs( origTable ) do if type( v ) == 'table' then v = cloneTable( v ) end newTable[k] = v end return newTable end --[[Merges a list, or inserts a string or table into a table --]] local function mergeList( parentTable, content ) local i = #parentTable + 1 if content[1] then -- Merge list into table for _, v in ipairs( content ) do parentTable[i] = v i = i + 1 end else -- Add strings or tables to table parentTable[i] = content end end -- Creates the HTML for an item local function makeItem( frame, i, args ) local item = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'invslot-item' ) if args.imgclass then item:addClass( args.imgclass ) end if == '' then return item end local category local title = frame.title or mw.text.trim( args.title or '' ) local mod = frame.mod local name = or '' local num = frame.num local description = frame.text local img if mod then img = i18n.legacyFilename:gsub( '%$1', name .. ' (' .. mod .. ')' ) elseif name:match( '%.gif$' ) or name:match( '%.png$' ) then img = i18n.filename:gsub( '%$1', name ) -- Remove file extension from name name = name:sub( 0, -5 ) else -- Fall back to an individual image if the sprite is lacking img = i18n.filename:gsub( '%$1', name .. '.png' ) end local link = or '' if link == '' then if mod then link = i18n.modLink:gsub( '%$1', mod ):gsub( '%$2', name ) else link = name:gsub( '^' .. i18n.prefixes.damaged .. ' ', '' ) for _, suffix in pairs( i18n.suffixes ) do link = link:gsub( ' ' .. suffix .. '$', '' ) end end elseif link:lower() == 'none' then link = nil end if link == pageName then link = nil end local formattedTitle local plainTitle if title == '' then plainTitle = name elseif title:lower() ~= 'none' then plainTitle = title:gsub( '\\\\', '\' ):gsub( '\\&', '&' ) local formatPatterns = {'&[0-9a-jl-qs-vyzr]', '&#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '&$%x%x%x'} for _, formatPattern in ipairs( formatPatterns ) do if plainTitle:match( formatPattern ) then formattedTitle = title plainTitle = plainTitle:gsub( formatPattern, '' ) end end if plainTitle == '' then plainTitle = name else plainTitle = plainTitle:gsub( '\', '\\' ):gsub( '&', '&' ) end elseif link then formattedTitle = '' end item:attr{ ['data-minetip-title'] = formattedTitle, ['data-minetip-text'] = description } -- & is re-escaped because mw.html treats attributes -- as plain text, but MediaWiki doesn't local escapedTitle = ( plainTitle or '' ):gsub( '&', '&' ) local altText = img .. ': Inventory sprite for ' .. name .. ' in Minecraft as shown in-game' if link then altText = altText .. ' linking to ' .. link end if formattedTitle or plainTitle or link then altText = altText .. ' with description: ' .. ( formattedTitle or plainTitle or link ) if description then altText = altText .. ' ' .. description:gsub( '/', ' ' ) end altText = altText:gsub( '&[0-9a-jl-qs-wr]', '' ) end item:addClass( 'invslot-item-image' ) :wikitext( '[[File:', img, '|32x32px|link=', link or '', '|alt=', altText, '|', escapedTitle, ']]' ) if num and num > 1 and num < 1000 then if link then item:wikitext( '[[', link, '|' ) end local number = item :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'invslot-stacksize' ) :attr{ title = plainTitle } :wikitext( num ) if args.numstyle then number:cssText( args.numstyle ) end if link then item:wikitext( ']]' ) end end item:wikitext( category ) return item end -- Main entry point function p.slot( f ) local args = f.args or f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() and args[1] == nil then args = f:getParent().args end if not args.parsed then args[1] = mw.text.trim( args[1] or '' ) end local modData = { aliases = args.modaliases or '', default = args.mod } if modData.aliases ~= '' then modData.aliases = mw.loadData( 'Module:' .. modData.aliases ) else modData.aliases = nil end if args.mod == '' then modData.default = nil end local frames if args.parsed then frames = args[1] elseif args[1] ~= '' then local randomise = args.class == 'invslot-large' and 'never' or nil frames = p.parseFrameText( args[1], randomise, false, modData ) end local animated = frames and #frames > 1 local imgClass = args.imgclass local numStyle = args.numstyle local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'invslot' ):css{ ['vertical-align'] = args.align } if animated then body:addClass( 'animated' ) end if args.class then body:addClass( args.class ) end if then body:cssText( ) end if ( args.default or '' ) ~= '' then body:addClass( 'invslot-default-' .. string.lower( args.default ):gsub( ' ', '-' ) ) end --mw.logObject( frames ) if not frames then return tostring( body ) end local activeFrame = frames.randomise == true and random( #frames ) or 1 for i, frame in ipairs( frames ) do local item -- Table is a list, must contain subframes if frame[1] then item = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'animated-subframe' ) local subActiveFrame = frame.randomise == true and random( #frame ) or 1 for sI, sFrame in ipairs( frame ) do local sItem = makeItem( sFrame, sI, args ) item:node( sItem ) if sI == subActiveFrame then sItem:addClass( 'animated-active' ) end end else item = makeItem( frame, i, args ) body:node( item ) end if i == activeFrame and animated then item:addClass( 'animated-active' ) end end return tostring( body ) end --[[Parses the frame text into a table of frames and subframes, expanding aliases (and optionally retaining a reference), and deciding if the slot can be randomised --]] function p.parseFrameText( framesText, randomise, aliasReference, modData ) local frames = { randomise = randomise } local subframes = {} local subframe local expandedAliases local splitFrames = splitOnUnenclosedSemicolons( framesText ) for i, frameText in ipairs( splitFrames ) do frameText = frameText:gsub( '^%s*{%s*', function() subframe = true return '' end ) if subframe then frameText = frameText:gsub( '%s*}%s*$', function() subframe = 'last' return '' end ) end local frame = p.makeFrame( frameText, modData and modData.default ) local newFrame = frame if aliases or modData.aliases then local id = if frame.mod then id = frame.mod .. ':' .. id end local alias = modData and modData.aliases and modData.aliases[id] or aliases and aliases[id] if alias then newFrame = p.getAlias( alias, frame ) if aliasReference then local curFrame = #frames + 1 local aliasData = { frame = frame, length = #newFrame } if subframe then if not subframes.aliasReference then subframes.aliasReference = {} end subframes.aliasReference[#subframes + 1] = aliasData else if not expandedAliases then expandedAliases = {} end expandedAliases[curFrame] = aliasData end end end end if subframe then mergeList( subframes, newFrame ) -- Randomise starting frame for "Any *" aliases, as long as the alias is the only subframe if frames.randomise ~= 'never' and subframes.randomise == nil and '^' .. i18n.prefixes.any .. ' ' ) then subframes.randomise = true else subframes.randomise = false end if frames.randomise ~= 'never' then frames.randomise = false end if subframe == 'last' then -- No point having a subframe containing a single frame, -- or the subframe being the only frame if #subframes == 1 or #splitFrames == i and #frames == 0 then local lastFrame = #frames mergeList( frames, subframes ) -- Inherit the randomise flag if it's the only frame if #splitFrames == 1 then frames.randomise = subframes.randomise end -- Append alias reference data, if present if aliasReference and subframes.aliasReference then if not expandedAliases then expandedAliases = {} end for i, aliasRefData in pairs(subframes.aliasReference) do expandedAliases[lastFrame + i] = aliasRefData end end else table.insert( frames, subframes ) end subframes = {} subframe = nil end else -- Randomise starting frame for "Any *" aliases, as long as the alias is the only frame if frames.randomise ~= 'never' and '^' .. i18n.prefixes.any .. ' ' ) then frames.randomise = true else frames.randomise = false end mergeList( frames, newFrame ) end end frames.aliasReference = expandedAliases return frames end --[[Returns a new table with the parts of the parent frame added to the alias --]] function p.getAlias( aliasFrames, parentFrame ) -- If alias is just a name, return the parent frame with the new name if type( aliasFrames ) == 'string' then local expandedFrame = mw.clone( parentFrame ) = aliasFrames return { expandedFrame } end -- Single frame alias, put in list if then aliasFrames = { aliasFrames } end local expandedFrames = {} for i, aliasFrame in ipairs( aliasFrames ) do local expandedFrame if type( aliasFrame ) == 'string' then expandedFrame = { name = aliasFrame } else expandedFrame = cloneTable( aliasFrame ) end expandedFrame.title = parentFrame.title or expandedFrame.title expandedFrame.mod = parentFrame.mod or expandedFrame.mod expandedFrame.num = parentFrame.num or expandedFrame.num expandedFrame.text = parentFrame.text or expandedFrame.text expandedFrames[i] = expandedFrame end return expandedFrames end function p.expandAlias( parentFrame, alias ) return p.getAlias( alias, parentFrame ) end function p.stringifyFrame( frame ) if not then return '' end return string.format( '[%s]%s:%s,%s[%s]', frame.title or '', frame.mod or 'Minecraft',, frame.num or '', frame.text or '' ) end function p.stringifyFrames( frames ) for i, frame in ipairs( frames ) do frames[i] = p.stringifyFrame( frame ) end return table.concat( frames, ';' ) end -- Splits up the frame text into its parts function p.makeFrame( frameText, mod ) -- Simple frame with no parts if not frameText:match( '[%[:,]' ) then return { mod = mod, name = mw.text.trim( frameText ), } end frameText = frameText:gsub( '%s*([%[%]:,;])%s*', '%1' ) local frame = {} frame.title = frameText:match( '^%[([^%]]+)%]' ) frame.mod = frameText:match( '([^:%]]+):' ) or mod local vanilla = { v = 1, vanilla = 1, mc = 1, minecraft = 1 } if frame.mod and vanilla[mw.ustring.lower( frame.mod )] or frame.mod == '' then frame.mod = nil end local nameStart = ( frameText:find( ':' ) or frameText:find( '%]' ) or 0 ) + 1 if nameStart - 1 == #frameText then nameStart = 1 end = frameText:sub( nameStart, ( frameText:find( '[,%[]', nameStart ) or 0 ) - 1 ) frame.num = math.floor( frameText:match( ',(%d+)' ) or 0 ) if frame.num == 0 then frame.num = nil end frame.text = frameText:match( '%[([^%]]+)%]$' ) return frame end function p.getParts( frameText, mod ) return p.makeFrame( frameText, mod ) end return p