Commands: Difference between revisions

From Horizon's End Wiki
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{{code|text = aaaaaa}}
==General Information==
{{code|text = /wiki}}: Sends a link to the wiki in the chat
{{code|text = /map}}: Sends a link to the survival Dynmap in the chat
{{code|text = /discord}}: Sends a link to the server Discord
{{code|text = /vote}}: Displays a GUI for server voting!
==Player Information==
{{code|text = /list}}: Sends a list of online players sorted by nation
{{code|text = /pinfo [player]}}: Provides information on a specific player
{{code|text = /settings}}: Opens a graphical menu to tweak certain game settings
{{code|text = /bookmark}}: Set a point in space to display in the sidebar, like points of interest or wrecks in space.
{{code|text = /sidebar contacts}}: Toggles the visibility of contacts in the sidebar, or disable visibility entirely
{{code|text = /sidebar route}}: Toggles compact route display, or disable visibility entirely
{{code|text = /convert [item]}}: Converts old custom items to their modern counterparts
{{code|text = /near}}: Lists nearby players
{{code|text = /getpos [world]}}: Gets the coordinates and world of the specified player (limited to ????m range on non-allies)
{{code|text = /blastresistance [block]}}: Gets the blast resistance of a block
{{code|text = /itemsearch [item] (item2) (item3)...}}: Attempts to find the specified item in nearby containers, highlighting them if found
{{code|text = /enableAlternateDCCruise [true/false]}}: If false, this will disable /cruise from overriding and subsequently ending DC, enabling this simply removes an extra step, this command is a preference
{{code|text = /usebeacon}}: Activates a jump sequence through a system gate
{{code|text = /route add [planet/hyperspaceBeacon]]}} OR {{code|text = /route add [spaceWorld] [x] [z]}}: Add a waypoint with the specified object or coordinates to the route
{{code|text = /jump auto}}: Jump to the first waypoint in the navigation route
{{code|text = /route clear}}: Clears the current route
{{code|text = /route undo}}: Remove the last waypoint added to the route
{{code|text = /route list}}: List all waypoints and prerequisite destinations along the route
{{code|text = /hud}}: Configure hud elements such as planet displays & selectors
{{code|text = /xp}}: Displays current XP and progress to next level
{{code|text = /calcxp [level]}}: Calculates the required credits to level to X level and displays the XP difference
{{code|text = /buyxp [amount] [cost]}}: Purchase XP with credits to level up
{{code|text = /starshipinfo}}: While piloted, displays information of the active starship
{{code|text = /starships}}: Lists all starships that you own/have access to and their locations
{{code|text = /listships (type)}}: Lists all currently active (piloted and unpiloted) starships of specified type; default type is all ships (I.e., players and AI).
{{code|text = /cruise}}: Engages the ship in cruise mode in the direction that you are facing. Equivalent to interacting with a {{code|text = Cruise}} sign
{{code|text = /directcontrol}} or {{code|text = /dc}}: Engages the ship in direct control mode
{{code|text = /powermode [shields] [weapons] [thrusters]}} or {{code|text = pm}}: Distributes power to different subsystems of a ship. Minimum power cannot exceed 10; maximum power cannot exceed 50
{{code|text = /settarget [node] [player]}} or {{code|text=/st}}: Commands all turrets on the specified node to target the specified player
{{code|text = /weaponset [node]}} or {{code|text=/ws}}: Takes control of the specified weaponset
{{code|text = /pilot}}: Tries to pilot the ship you are standing on (remember to detect the ship before using this command)
{{code|text = /gravwell}}: Toggles the gravity well on ship, fails if the ship is cruising
{{code|text = /drills}}: Toggles drills registered within the ship simultaneously
{{code|text = /gaymode}}: Activates colored lasers and is purely cosmetic
{{code|text = /blueprint save [name]}}: Saves a copy of the currently piloted ship for later use
{{code|text = /blueprint delete [name]}}: Deletes the blueprint of the existing ship with the same name
{{code|text = /blueprint list}}: Lists all currently owned blueprints; clicking the icon of blueprints produces a list of materials and print cost in chat
{{code|text = /blueprint info [name]}}:  Produces a summary of information in chat for the specified blueprint
{{code|text = /blueprint materials [name]}}:  Produces a list of materials in chat for the specified blueprint
{{code|text = /blueprint load [name]}}: Creative-exclusive command for loading blueprints
{{code|text = /siege}}: While piloting a ship inside a siege station, if the ship has at least 2000, blocks, starts a siege.

Revision as of 19:30, 23 December 2024

General Information

Sends a link to the wiki in the chat

Sends a link to the survival Dynmap in the chat

Sends a link to the server Discord

Displays a GUI for server voting!

Player Information

Sends a list of online players sorted by nation

Provides information on a specific player


Opens a graphical menu to tweak certain game settings

Set a point in space to display in the sidebar, like points of interest or wrecks in space.

Toggles the visibility of contacts in the sidebar, or disable visibility entirely

Toggles compact route display, or disable visibility entirely

Converts old custom items to their modern counterparts

Lists nearby players

Gets the coordinates and world of the specified player (limited to ????m range on non-allies)

Gets the blast resistance of a block

Attempts to find the specified item in nearby containers, highlighting them if found

If false, this will disable /cruise from overriding and subsequently ending DC, enabling this simply removes an extra step, this command is a preference


Activates a jump sequence through a system gate

Add a waypoint with the specified object or coordinates to the route

Jump to the first waypoint in the navigation route

Clears the current route

Remove the last waypoint added to the route

List all waypoints and prerequisite destinations along the route

Configure hud elements such as planet displays & selectors


Displays current XP and progress to next level

Calculates the required credits to level to X level and displays the XP difference

Purchase XP with credits to level up


While piloted, displays information of the active starship

Lists all starships that you own/have access to and their locations

Lists all currently active (piloted and unpiloted) starships of specified type; default type is all ships (I.e., players and AI).

Engages the ship in cruise mode in the direction that you are facing. Equivalent to interacting with a

Engages the ship in direct control mode

Distributes power to different subsystems of a ship. Minimum power cannot exceed 10; maximum power cannot exceed 50

Commands all turrets on the specified node to target the specified player

Takes control of the specified weaponset

Tries to pilot the ship you are standing on (remember to detect the ship before using this command)

Toggles the gravity well on ship, fails if the ship is cruising

Toggles drills registered within the ship simultaneously

Activates colored lasers and is purely cosmetic

Saves a copy of the currently piloted ship for later use

Deletes the blueprint of the existing ship with the same name

Lists all currently owned blueprints; clicking the icon of blueprints produces a list of materials and print cost in chat

Produces a summary of information in chat for the specified blueprint

Produces a list of materials in chat for the specified blueprint

Creative-exclusive command for loading blueprints

While piloting a ship inside a siege station, if the ship has at least 2000, blocks, starts a siege.