Walkemdownand kickintheydoors

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Revision as of 18:51, 29 December 2024 by Astralchroma (talk | contribs) (was'ed)
Walkemdownand kickintheydoors

Flag of WEDa_KITD

Demonym Door Kicker
Activity level High
Capital city Concordia Chicken Awareness
Settlements Concordia Chicken Awareness
Stations cz10experience, montana
• Chancellor
Foundation date 17 November, 2024

Disbanded 29 December, 2024


walkemdownand_kickintheydoors or Walk em Down and Kick in They Doors or WEDa_KITD was a pirate nation dedicated to opposing Imperial Nova and the Ilios Alliance run by Chancellor Sherbet_S.


Concordia Chicken Awareness

Concordia Chicken Awareness, previously named Ogygia was the capitol of WEDa_KITD. It was founded after Sherbet_S was kicked out of the Anthill by Consue when joining Cortesia Del Mar.


The flagship of WEDa_KITD, a 500 block gunship.

walkemdownand_kickintheydoors was founded for the purpose of opposing the Ilios Alliance and Imperial Nova. Their mission is to get retribution against the alliance, by whatever means necessary.


The nation was originally named Amcar_5. The name was an homage to the long lineage of nations called Amcar before it.

  • This naming is tributary, and the nation doesn't actually relate to Amcar.

1: Amcar 2: New Amcar 3: Arion 4: Hegemony 5: Amcar_5