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Settlements are are an entity consisting of member players. Create a settlement on a planet territory to build a base and set up infrastructure without fear of griefing (you may still be attacked).

Creating A Settlement

Perform /s create while in an empty territory.
Creating a settlement costs money depending on the size of the territory.

Settlement Abilities

All territory within the settlement borders is protected from grief (but not from attack).
Invite another player to join your nation with /s invite.
Set up zones that players can build in with /szone and /splot.
Earn passive income for every player in your settlement.

Settlement Commands

/settlement OR /s : Shows all settlement commands.
/s info (settlement) : Lists information about the specified settlement. If none listed, defaults to your own settlement
/s join [settlement] : Joins the specified settlement. You must have an invite from the settlement
/s leave : Leave your current settlement
/s create [name] [cost] : Create a settlement. Must be standing in an unclaimed territory and specify the cost of the claim
/s disband : Disbands your settlement. This cannot be undone
/s top : List the most active settlements
/s trusted add [player/settlement/nation] [name] : Trusts the specified player/settlement/nation to the settlement.
/s motd set [message] : Sets the motd of the settlement.
/s motd clear : Clears the motd.
/srole : Modify settlement roles
/s balance (settlement) : Check the balance of a settlement
/s invites : Check your current settlement invites
/s set name : Rename a settlement
/s invite : Invite a player to a settlement
/s kick : Kick a player from a settlement
/s deposit : Deposit money into the settlement balance
/s withdraw : Withdraw money from the settlement balance
/s set leader : Set the leader of the settlement (transfers ownership)
/szone : Set zones within your settlement
/splot : Claim zones and set their permissions