
From Horizon's End Wiki
Revision as of 06:28, 20 January 2025 by Bwazedilla (talk | contribs)
Maximum power storage 50000
Power consumption (per item) 250
Operation time (ticks) 100
Resource Requirements

Printers convert power and cobblestone into common blocks used in starships.
Printers can be detected with the sign text [printer].
Printers input power via its note block.
A Prismarine Crystal must be placed in the top slot of the furnace for the printer to function. Cobblestone is placed in the bottom slot.
This multiblock requires power to function. Follow the Power Guide for more information.

Changing the colored wool blocks depicted in the image will change the material that a printer prints.

Material produced Amount produced
(per cobblestone)
Red Blue White
Concrete Powder
(can be converted to concrete
via a Carbon Processor)
2 Sponge Magma Block Concrete powder (color to be printed)
Sponge 1 Redstone Lamp Daylight Sensor Sponge
Terracotta 1 Sponge Anvil Terracotta (color to be printed)
Glass 2 Sponge End Rod Glass (color/type to be printed)