Trade City

From Horizon's End Wiki

Trade Cities are territories on planets that have economic infrastructure.

All trade cities (player and NPC) sell standard NPC starships, crates for Cargo Trading, and allow for player shops via the Bazaar.
Trade Cities are safezones - you cannot be hurt while within the territory, and explosions cannot take place.

The owners of a trade city are able to take ships parked in the territory, like any other settlement

Trade City NPCs

A pair of cargo NPCs in the spawn territory.

Exporter: Buy cargo crates

Importer: Sell cargo crates

Bazaar: Purchase from other players on the local Bazaar

Commissions Droid: Start a Daily Commission

Ship Dealer: Purchase starter ships

Player Trade Cities & Requirements

A settlement that meets certain requirements can apply to be a trade city. For each trade city application an independent panel of players will be gathered to vote on the city. It will be judged on the following criteria, and each member will decide an overall yes / no vote. The votes will be tallied and a majority yes / no will decide the application's acceptance. Eden cannot have trade cities.

  • 3 Active Members*
  • Landing Areas
  • Docking Areas
  • Clearly identified trade building to house NPCs.
  • Sufficient Cityscape
  • Settlement feels like a City
  • Good Building Quality
  • Roads
  • No excessive reuse of building designs

*Once accepted, 4 active members are required to keep the benefits of a TC

List Of Player Trade Cities

Trade Outposts (NPC Trade Cities)

Similar in function to a Player Trade City, but owned by NPCs.
Commonly referred to as -osts.

List Of Trade Outposts