Getting Your Patreon Benefits
Thanks for donating! In order to get your benefits in game, there's a short process of linking accounts to transfer that information over to the server:
1. Link your Patreon account to your Discord account
Follow Patreon's article to link your Patreon account to your Discord account.
2. Link your Discord account to your Minecraft account
Use /discord link ingame and follow the instructions to link your account.
3. Use your benefits
Use /dye [color] while holding a colored block or item to change the color of that item. Not all colored blocks and items can be dyed.
Use /plot claim while standing in an unowned Basic or Space Plot to claim your additional donator plots. You do not need to maintain a Patreon membership to retain access to your additional plots once they have been claimed.
Craft colored Energy Swords in Survival.
Color your ship's name by using <color> when naming your ship. Replace <color> with a hexadecimal value or a color name such as "red".
Format your ship's name by...
Change your ingame player tag by...