This template was ported from It is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
This module implements common UI templates, to avoid overhead from excessive #invoke calls.
local slot = require( [[Module:Inventory slot]] ).slot local addSlot = function( args, item, prefix, class, default ) local none, nostacksize prefix = prefix or '' if #prefix == 0 then none = 'none' nostacksize = ((item == '' or nil) and '') or (args and args[item] and args[item]:gsub( '[,%d]', '' ) or '') end return slot{ nostacksize or args[item], mod = args.Mod, link = none or args[prefix .. 'link'], title = none or args[prefix .. 'title'], class = class, default = default, parsed = args.parsed } end function experience_class(exp_value) local MINMAX = { {-32768, 2}, {3, 6}, {7, 16}, {17, 36}, {37, 72}, {73, 148}, {149, 306}, {307, 616}, {617, 1236}, {1237, 2476}, {2477, 32767} } local EXP_IMGS = { "xp-2", "xp-6", "xp-16", "xp-36", "xp-72", "xp-148", "xp-306", "xp-616", "xp-1236", "xp-2476", "xp-32767", } local n = assert( tonumber(exp_value), "Module:UI: Experience value is not a number (" .. exp_value .. ")" ) local idx = 2; exp = tonumber( exp_value ) if exp <= MINMAX[#MINMAX][2] then for i = 1, #MINMAX do if MINMAX[i][1] < exp and MINMAX[i][2] >= exp then idx = i break end end end return tostring( EXP_IMGS[idx] ) end local p = {} -- Crafting table function p.craftingTable( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Crafting_Table pixel-image' ) local input = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-input' ) for num = 1, 3 do local row = input:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-row' ) for _, letter in ipairs{ 'A', 'B', 'C' } do row:wikitext( addSlot( args, letter .. num, 'I' ) ) end end local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ):tag( 'br' ):done() if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot-large' ) ) local shapeless = args.shapeless or '' local fixed = args.fixed or '' if shapeless ~= '' or fixed ~= '' then local icon = body:tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-icons' ) :tag( 'span' ) :tag( 'br' ) :done() if shapeless ~= '' then icon:addClass( 'mcui-shapeless' ) :attr( 'title', 'This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.' ) elseif fixed ~= '' then local notFixed = args.notfixed or '' local exceptFixed = '' if notFixed ~= '' then exceptFixed = '; except for ' .. notFixed .. ', which can go anywhere' end icon:addClass( 'mcui-fixed' ) :attr( 'title', 'This recipe is fixed; the input arrangement may not be moved or mirrored in the crafting grid' .. exceptFixed .. '.' ) end end return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Furnace function p.furnace( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Furnace pixel-image' ) local input = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-input' ) input:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input', 'I' ) ) local fuel = input:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-fuel' ):tag( 'br' ):done() local fuelImg = args.FuelUsage or '' local burning = args.Input or '' ~= '' and args.Fuel or '' ~= '' if not burning then fuel:addClass( 'mcui-inactive' ) if fuelImg ~= '' then fuelImg = fuelImg .. ' (in-active)' end end if fuelImg ~= '' then fuel:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. fuelImg .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end input:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Fuel', 'F' ) ) local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ):tag( 'br' ):done() local arrowImg = args.Progress or '' if not burning or ( args.Output or '' ) == '' then arrow:addClass( 'mcui-inactive' ) if arrowImg ~= '' then arrowImg = arrowImg .. ' (in-active)' end end if arrowImg ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. arrowImg .. ' Progress (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot-large' ) ) args.Experience = args.Experience or '' if args.Experience ~= '' then -- Converts commas to dots, removes all spaces and splits the arguments with semicolon. local split = mw.text.split(string.gsub(args.Experience, '[ ,]', {[' '] = '', [','] = '.'}), ';', true) local animated = body:tag('span'):attr('title', 'XP reward. If there is a fractional part, it means the recipe has a chance equal to the fractional part of rewarding an additional XP point.') :addClass('animated mcui-experience') local isNotFirst = true for i, v in ipairs(split) do assert(tonumber(v), 'Module:UI: "' .. v .. '" is not a valid number') local xp = tonumber(v) local xpWrapper = animated:tag('span') :addClass(isNotFirst and 'animated-active' or nil) xpWrapper:tag('span') :addClass(experience_class(xp) .. ' mcui-experience-orb') xpWrapper:tag('span') :addClass('mcui-experience-text') :wikitext((' ' and xp > 72 or '') .. xp) isNotFirst = false end end return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Brewing Stand function p.brewingStand( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Brewing_Stand pixel-image' ) local input = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-input' ) input:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-bubbling' ):tag( 'br' ) input:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input', 'I' ) ) input:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ):tag( 'br' ) if ( args.Input or '' ) == '' or ( ( args.Output1 or '' ) == '' and ( args.Output2 or '' ) == '' and ( args.Output3 or '' ) == '' ) then input:addClass( 'mcui-inactive' ) end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-paths' ) :tag( 'br' ) if ( ( args.Base1 or '' ) ~= '' or ( args.Base2 or '' ) ~= '' or ( args.Base3 or '' ) ~= '' ) then local base = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-base' ) local arrows = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrowDown' ) for i = 1, 3 do base:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Base' .. i, 'B' .. i, 'mcui-base' .. i ) ) arrows:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrowDown' .. i ):tag( 'br' ) end end local output = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-output' ) for i = 1, 3 do output:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output' .. i, 'O' .. i, 'mcui-output' .. i ) ) end return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Stonecutter function p.stonecutter( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Stonecutter pixel-image' ) local input = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-input' ) input:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input', 'I' ) ) local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-stonecutterArrow' ) if (args.arrow or '') ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end arrow:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', '', 'invslot-plain mcui-stonecutterSprite' ) ) body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot-large' ) ) return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Loom function p.loom( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Loom pixel-image' ) local tapestry = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-tapestry' ) if args.Banner and #args.Banner>0 then tapestry:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Banner', 'B', 'mcui-inputBanner' ) ) end if args.Dye and #args.Dye>0 then tapestry:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Dye', 'D', 'mcui-inputDye' ) ) end if args.Pattern and #args.Pattern>0 then tapestry:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Pattern', 'P', 'mcui-inputPattern' ) ) end tapestry:tag( 'span' ):tag( 'br' ):done() local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-loomArrow' ) if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end local bannerSprite if args.Sprite and #args.Sprite>0 then local animate = require( [[Module:AnimateSprite]] ).animate bannerSprite = animate{ args.Sprite, name = 'SlotSprite' } else bannerSprite = '<br>' end arrow :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-bannerSprite' ) :wikitext( bannerSprite ) body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot-large' ) ) return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Grindstone function p.grindstone( f ) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Grindstone pixel-image' ) local grindstone = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-grindstone' ) grindstone:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input1', 'I1', 'mcui-input1' ) ) grindstone:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input2', 'I2', 'mcui-input2' ) ) local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ) if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot-large' ) ) return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Smithing Table function p.smithing (f) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Smithing_Table pixel-image' ) local smithingTable = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-smithingTable' ) smithingTable:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input1', 'I1', 'mcui-input1' ) ) smithingTable:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input2', 'I2', 'mcui-input2' ) ) smithingTable:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input3', 'I3', 'mcui-input3' ) ) local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ) arrow:cssText([[display: inline-block; width: 44px; height: 30px; margin: 3px 18px; vertical-align: top;]]) if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end if args.crossed then arrow:addClass('mcui-inactive') end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot' ) ) return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end -- Anvil function p.anvil (f) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Anvil pixel-image' ) local hammer = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass('mcui-hammer') hammer:cssText([[display: block; width: 60px; height: 60px;]]) local title = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass('mcui-Anvil-inputbox mcui-input') local itemName if args.Input1 and #args.Input1>0 then local animate = require( [[Module:AnimateText]] ).animate itemName = animate{ args.Input1:gsub('Damaged ', ''):gsub( ';' , ',,' ) } else title:addClass( 'mcui-inactive' ) itemName = '<br>' end title:wikitext( ( itemName:gsub( 'class="animated"', 'class="mcui-Anvil-inputtext animated"' ) ) ) local anvilA = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-anvil' ):css('margin-left', '18px') anvilA:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input1', 'I1', 'mcui-input1' ) ) local plus = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-plus' ) plus:cssText([[display: inline-block; width: 26px; height: 26px; margin: 6px 18px; vertical-align: top;]]) local anvilB = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-anvil' ) anvilB:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input2', 'I2', 'mcui-input2' ) ) local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ) arrow:cssText([[display: inline-block; width: 44px; height: 30px; margin: 4px 18px; vertical-align: top;]]) if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end if args.crossed then arrow:addClass('mcui-inactive') end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :css( 'margin-right', '18px' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot' ) ) if args.cost then local cost = body:tag('span'):addClass('mcui-Anvil-cost') if args.expensive then cost:addClass('mcui-Anvil-cost-expensive') else cost:addClass('mcui-Anvil-cost-normal') end if args.cost == 'expensive' then cost:wikitext('Too expensive') else cost:wikitext('Enchantment Cost: ' .. args.cost) end end local wrapper = mw.html.create( 'div' ) wrapper:wikitext( require( [[Module:TSLoader]] ).call( "Anvil/styles.css" ) ) return tostring( wrapper:node( body ) ) end function p.legacySmithing (f) local args = f if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = f:getParent().args else f = mw.getCurrentFrame() end local body = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui mcui-Smithing_Table pixel-image' ) local smithingA = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-smithingTable' ) smithingA:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input1', 'I1', 'mcui-input1' ) ) local plus = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-plus' ) plus:cssText([[display: inline-block; width: 26px; height: 26px; margin: 6px 18px; vertical-align: top;]]) local smithingB = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-smithingTable' ) smithingB:wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Input2', 'I2', 'mcui-input2 invslot-default-smithing' ) ) local arrow = body:tag( 'span' ):addClass( 'mcui-arrow' ) arrow:cssText([[display: inline-block; width: 44px; height: 30px; margin: 4px 18px; vertical-align: top;]]) if args.arrow or '' ~= '' then arrow:css( 'background-image', '{{FileUrl|' .. args.arrow .. ' (' .. args.Mod .. ').png}}' ) end if args.crossed then arrow:addClass('mcui-inactive') end body :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mcui-output' ) :wikitext( addSlot( args, 'Output', 'O', 'invslot' ) ) return tostring( mw.html.create( 'div' ):node( body ) ) end return p