Halastian Imperium

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Revision as of 18:35, 4 March 2025 by Modoror LVII (talk | contribs)
Halastian Imperium

Flag of the Halastian Imperium

Demonym Halastian
Activity level Medium
Capital city Halastopolis
Settlements Halastopolis
Government Imperial Monarchy
• Holy Basileus of the Halastian Imperium
Foundation date In the future
Language English
Discord wip

The Republic of Cortesia Del Mar, or CDM, is a large nation on Horizon's End. Cortesia Del Mar is a nation focused on building, industrialism, democracy, and technological expertise. Its sitting President is oko, whose political goals center on renewed national recruitment initiatives, increased investment in supercapitals, and building a structured national finance and loan system. Cortesia possesses three major cities with active populations: its capital of Setra Maria, its sole trade city of Cadia, and the Anthill, which is a large build project.

Cortesia Del Mar is a member of the Ilios Alliance, and maintains positive or neutral diplomatic relations with most nations on the server. Cortesia Del Mar is distinguished by having the largest industrial base on the server, which it uses primarily to bankroll a wide array of both its own and its allies' building and industrial projects.




The City of Cadia is a Trade City on the planet Ilius, led by Vortexion. It is a large city, with the distinctive feature that the entire city is situated on a series of floating platforms, positioned above Lake Peigneur. These platforms include a large, central trade platform (which hosts the city's importer, exporter, and bazaar), three residential platforms, three shipyard platforms, and several assorted others.
Cadia is the closest city on the server to Spawn, and as such serves as a frequent tourism and business destination for new players. The city offers free housing at the residential platforms, including to non-residents.

Setra Maria

The City of Setra Maria is a city on the planet Chimgara, led by the sitting Cortesian President. It is the legal capital of Cortesia Del Mar, with a distinctive dense urban building style. Its distinctive structures include the National Forum building, the Interior Ministry building, the server's oldest hockey rink, and the Setra Maria homeless encampment. Pursuant to its status as the capital, Setra Maria guarantees admission to all residents and citizens of Cortesia Del Mar.
Setra Maria is connected by both iceroad and item pipe to the Woolworths Production Complex, and as such serves as the port for Cortesia's industrial activity.

The Anthill

The Anthill is a combination city and artistic project on the planet Aret, led by Consue. It is a large, intricate mega-build mixing Arabian and cyberpunk build themes, which serves as an indefinite artistic project for its participants. The Anthill is wrapped around a central trade tower, which is built out of several thousand aluminum blocks.
Admission to the Anthill project comes with complementary build tutoring by Consue.

Additional Settlements


Woolworths is a land claim housing the Woolworths Production Complex, which is the server's largest industrial complex. It sits roughly one kilometer east of Setra Maria, and is connected to it by iceroad. The Woolworths Production Complex itself is off-limits to non-allies of Cortesia Del Mar, or those who have not been specifically granted access.


BlobfoxLineBuildingLtd is an under construction minor settlement. Not much information about it or construction plans is publicly available.

Astralchroma has alluded to intent to build a large underground complex largely inspired by the Black Mesa Research Facility featured in Half Life 1 and Black Mesa.



Elysium is a small space station in northwestern Regulus, owned by the settlement Cadia and built by Vortexion. It is the server's oldest space station, and during the server's first months served as an important base of operations for the nation of Arimfea. As of the present, Elysium is disused, and is preserved by Cadia as an historical site.


Fortitude is a medium space station in northern Regulus, owned by the settlement Cadia and built by Vortexion. Its structure consists of two protruding docking arms to its east and west, affixed to a central living hub. Fortitude has a working redstone casino, a domed grassy park, and a large wall of player heads obtained in Arimfea's wars.
Like Elysium, Fortitude was also formerly an Arimfean station, and served as a crucial center of activity for the nation until the Horizon Federation-RentDueYesterday War. It is still in use by Cortesia Del Mar.


Seraph is a large space station in southern Sirius, owned by the settlement Cadia and built by Vortexion and nungal. It is primarily an aesthetic build, with extensively decorated interiors spanning the full height of its mostly-vertical structure. Positioned inside of Seraph's main hall is the a captured Vegan gunship once used by ClownPierce, whose death sparked the Alliance of Regulus-Vega War of 2023.

Presidia Alenarith

Presidia Alenarith is a medium space station in southwestern Ilios, owned by the nation and built by oko and yodabird19. While still in the final stages of construction, Presidia Alenarith is designed to serve as a central hub for Cortesia Del Mar's supercapital activity and logistics, possessing large facilities for refueling ships with Hydrogen, charging Barges, providing ammunition to Cruisers and Battlecruisers, smelting ores, and efficiently printing new ships.


One is a medium space station in western Ilios, owned and built by ItsAlreadyGold. It is, currently, a slap-dash construction of different station structures added to the large asteroid it is built into. Each addition is haphazardly added as needed by Gold: it has two long docks for parking ships, an industrial room to support asteroid mining expeditions, and an unfinished, but working, decomposer bay.


Cortesia Del Mar's system of government is distinguished by its depth and complexity. The nation, which titles itself "The Republic of Cortesia Del Mar", is governed by a presidential republican political system, the form of which is set out in the Constitution of Cortesia Del Mar, a legal document which is over 100 pages long.

The national government of Cortesia Del Mar consists of the following bodies:

  • The President and Vice President, who are elected together on a four-month cycle every February, June, and October,*
  • The Cabinet, a body of specialized Ministers consisting of the President, the Vice President, and the Ministers of Security, Foreign Affairs, and the Interior, who are appointed by the President and have varying specific duties,
  • The National Forum, a general legislative body whose members are elected individually for indefinite terms, which is empowered to pass laws within the nation, and
  • The Supreme Court, a judicial body empowered to decide civil and criminal court cases, and to review the constitutionality of laws, elected on a four-month cycle every April, and August, and December.