Halastian Imperium
{{Infobox civilization | above = The Halastian Imperium | image1 = Halastian_Imperium.png | caption1 = Flag of the Halastian Imperium | demonym = Halastian | government_type = Imperial Monarchy | national_color = #000080 | nat_color_desc = Navy blue | position_title1 = Holy Basileus of the Halastian Imperium | position_name1 = Modoror | discord = wip |language = English |activity_level = Medium The Halastian Imperium is a small settlement on Horizon's End, soon becoming a nation (once it's leader gets C20k). Its leader is Modoror.
The Halastain Imperium maintains neutral diplomatic relations with most nations on the server, except from the Separatist Alliance. Halastian Imperium is currently working on the project of transforming Ilia Saltlake on Aret into a water sea.