Zeke Ship

From Horizon's End Wiki
The Josu Frigate, one of the most commonly-seen Zeke Ships

Reference to ships made by Eyrzeke, notable for their ubiquitous use amongst low level and Lonestar players, as well as small nations. Unlike most other ships of their respective classes, Zeke Ships usually utilize only 0.8 bubble shields and ion thrusters, resulting in significantly lower material and print costs, but slower acceleration and usually worse shield layouts than other ships. Notably, because of the way shielding mechanics work, Zeke Ships are generally built around their shielding, rather than their shielding being built to suit their hulls, leading to their odd shapes.

Eyrzeke and Lonestar ensure that there is always at least one active leader with rights to the Zeke Ship line, and will sell both blueprints and manufactured models to most players.