
From Horizon's End Wiki
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kailie_'s current Rebecca skin.

Personal Info
Allegiance  Radiant
Known For Throne of Radiance (July 3, 2024 - present)

Co-Director of P.E.G.A.S.V.S. (July 10, 2022 - present)

Starfighter Pilot

Main Residence The PEGASVSLeviathan Station


Discord @vampiratefop
Miscellaneous Info

kailie_, previously Kay_2905, is an advisor among the leaders of Radiance, the spearhead of the PEGASVS project, and a prominent engineer on Horizon's End.

She can most often be found in her creative space plot.

Current Operations[edit | edit source]

Throne of Radiance[edit | edit source]

The 1st Quartet is the pinnacle of Radiant leadership, and is currently occupied by star_litty as Seraph, Astrobolt as Babygirl, _omni as Cherub, and kailie_ as Throne. As a Throne, kailie_ is most frequently responsible for the facilitation and moderation of discussions, and to unionize the voices of Radiance with forethought and compromise. Due to the patient nature of her work and her fierce defense of her people, she is widely regarded as a matronly presence among the nation's community. Embracing the allegations, she gave herself the /nick ~mami.

"We developed Radiance to protect these people. We are the safe space. That's the point." – kailie_ on the LGBTQIA+ presence in Horizon's End.

kailie_ is a source of domestic and military engineering, instruction, and maintenance to Radiant power and conveyor systems. She is also a starfighter SvS coach.

P.E.G.A.S.V.S, Inc.[edit | edit source]

Founded on Vask's Aecor Shore July 10th, 2022, Power Engineering & Generous Assistance for Ships Visitors & Settlements, Inc. is under Co-Direction of siblings kailie_ and Zannicus, and synonymous with their projects on Horizon's End. PEGASVS delivers machine payloads of mass power storage, rapid deployment bases, and other engineering solutions to settlements upon request. PEGASVS' mission is to increase new Horizon's End player retention by lessening the hurdles new settlements must surmount to get started.

PEGASVSLeviathan Station[edit | edit source]

The PEGASVSLeviathan (colloquially "Levi" by Radiant engineers) is kailie_'s personal space station located in Regulus at x50000, z15000. It has a straight path to Ilios, Sirius, Asteri, and the Trench. Levi is both a combat and colonist asset to Radiance, easily within reach of any hostile contact or operating mining vessel.

Radiance tasks Levi with instant starfighter deployment, mass item storage and retrieval, and hosting the Radiant supercapital fleet.

Levi is home to kailie_, Zannicus, and SunflowerSaturn, and has been in development since May 19th, 2024.

History[edit | edit source]

Star Legacy (Sep. 28th, 2018 - Apr. 13th, 2021)[edit | edit source]

Hrechiem Coast[edit | edit source]

kailie_'s Oblivion battle suit
kailie_'s personal zero suit skin, ragged from moderating Star Legacy refugees

Prior to Horizon's End, kailie_ and Zannicus joined Star Legacy September 28th, 2018, and are two of three refugees to be accepted into Oblivion with no prior SvS experience. kailie_'s early days were rife with pirate skirmishes on the surface of Quod Canis, battling the Star Legacy generation of Arimfea, Ekatera, and Exercitus for claim to Hrechiem Coast and its surrounding territories.

These conflicts began on October 2nd, 2018, when epic_man_9 visited Hrechiem with an ultimatum to either join Exercitus or leave Quod Canis, lest Exercitus and its allies attack the territory. Having already approached Oblivion and principally opposed to negotiating with threats, kailie_ attacked epic_man_9's Frigate with an Oblivion Base Defense Platform. epic_man_9 returned later that day in a Destroyer, bombed Hrechiem Coast, and purchased the land for Exercitus before kailie_ could fund it herself.

NewSpite[edit | edit source]

Exercitans Hulko_15, Rastaor, and INBAR_dbz would move into kailie_'s captured base on Hrechiem Coast, and would remain her targets for the duration of their stay on Quod Canis. kailie_ purchased the adjacent territory and, out of her bitterness, called it NewSpite. Recruiting from every corner of her personal life, she trained multiple units in this new settlement, including pigeonqueen98, tinadactyl, will0falltrades, and vfray, issuing kill-on-sight orders for all Exercitan, Ekateran, and Arimfean combatants. Increased numbers allowed the NewSpite crew to purchase two more adjacent territories encroaching closer to enemy lines: OldSpite and WestSpite.

On Oct 4th, 2018 at 7:05am, kailie_ scored her first PvP kill against INBAR_dbz. 35 minutes later, she killed Rastaor inside her Oblivion Kestrel with a blaster sniper.

"/nadmin set capital Oblivion NewSpite. dewit." Arulaun, on Oblivion's newfound Quod Canis presence.

ClownPierce trained kailie_ in starfighter SvS to defend her new base, and as of February 2025, starfighters remain her warships of choice. The remainder of her time on Quod Canis would be spent ambushing local targets in an attempt to drive them out of Hrechiem Coast, supporting Oblivion fleets as a starfighter pilot, or grinding credits to fund more attacks. In a few different instances, Star Legacy's community attributed these skirmishes to the reemergence of ClownPierce and Oblivion as a whole to contest Arimfea and its alliance, the Andromedan Republic.

"Why am I enemy of AR?" – ClownPierce, feigning ignorance to his long history opposing the Andromedan Republic.

Eventually Exercitus stopped engaging on Quod Canis, but without her home to fight for or colonists to build with, she would frequently fall into inactivity. She spent more time on her creative space plot designing power machines, storage systems, and starships than actually developing her territories in the survival worlds; this division of time was compounded by stubborn insistence to build her own factories with no help, which hampered her progress. Her quick affinity for pipes, wires, and community support made her a candidate for the Star Legacy moderation team, and she was deployed into service November 5th, 2018. Suffering from burnout, she went inactive between January 3rd and July 22nd, 2019. During this time, the last Quod Canis territory purged from the NewSpite crew's control.

Vega Wartime[edit | edit source]

Following Oblivion's dissolution, most members of Oblivion reconstituted into the nation of Vega Security; by July 23rd kailie_ was among their ranks. She would try and fail to maintain settlements on Arbusto and Remalie, naming them Sonayara and Marzanna, respectively. She's believed to have served in the Andromedan Republic-Vega Wars, but available records are unclear.

Living out of an apartment in Vega's Trade City Jita, she would continue to tinker in her shop and moderate until another period of burnout January 1st, 2021. April 13th, 2021, her inactivity would have her dismissed from the moderation team, and she would never log onto Star Legacy again before its closure January 4th, 2022.

Horizon's End (July 10th, 2022 – Present)[edit | edit source]

A gift from EloMilo. His Spartan G8 design was modified for kailie_'s use: the Gripper1.

With the launch of Horizon's End in April 2022, kailie_ returned to activity within the community; she began on Vask's Aecor Shore, founding the original PEGASVS as a settlement on July 10th, 2022. While she certainly had plenty of old allies and comrades in Vega, she still hadn't built anything with players beyond the original NewSpite crew. PEGASVS' development suffered until it purged, and was claimed by Necrozoa's GutinGongoozler September 5th, 2023, who would preserve the territory until kailie_'s return.

"Best road I've ever seen on here is at PEGASVS on Vask." GutinGongoozler

Sparta[edit | edit source]

On April 30th, 2024 Necrozoa informed kailie_ and Zannicus that AdelieXY was interested in Aecor Shore, and that with their permission, Necrozoa would give the land to AdelieXY. kailie_ and Zannicus agreed on the pretense that they be allowed to remain as occupants of the settlement to work on the project on their own time, and so Aecor Shore yet again changed hands. As kailie_ reacquainted herself with the political landscape of Horizon's End, EloMilo invited her to Shadow, citing its high concentration of LGBTQIA+ members. Tired of losing her own settlements (and enticed by Shadow's LGBTQIA+ community), kailie_ joined EloMilo's settlement Sparta beneath the flag of Shadow, while Zannicus chose to resume engineering in Aecor Shore with AdelieXY. While in Sparta, EloMilo gave kailie_ the Spartan G8 blueprint, which she would modify for personal use. EloMilo expressed a desire for a starfighter factory outside of the Trench to streamline AI-hunting; from this, he was kailie_'s motivation for the founding of the PEGASVSLeviathan station May 19th, 2024. She later learned that personal space stations don't purge from inactivity, and felt that her legacy was finally, irrevocably immortalized.

AdelieXY would come upon a period of inactivity, from which Zannicus was able to personally reclaim ownership of Aecor Shore. To protect the territory from a potential purge, Zannicus accepted an offer from star_litty to make Aecor Shore a Shadow outpost. To retain his access, Zannicus chose to join Cicatrix as a part of Shadow.

Radiance[edit | edit source]

Living on Aerach, kailie_ quickly gained a seat of consul next to star_litty, helping Shadow navigate the challenges posed by its nominal leader Ae0n's inactivity and unyielding control over the nation's assets; this predicament ultimately led to the Radiant Revolution, with almost all active settlements in Shadow seceding and forming the nation of Radiance. On July 3rd, 2024, Cicatrix became the capital of Radiance, and over the next several days all Shadow assets would be transferred by the Horizon's End moderation team into Radiant control. kailie_ retained her seat as appointed by star_litty in the 1st Quartet of Radiant leadership, next to Astrobolt and _omni.

Upon its completion, _omni gave kailie_ the honor of naming the first Radiant battlecruiser; she called it the RAC Bealtaine.

Ilios Alliance-Vask Authority War[edit | edit source]

kailie_ acted as a primary Radiant combatant against Vask Authority, and starfighter coach to aspiring Radiant pilots motivated by the conflict. Most of her engagements were reactive defenses against z4nityy on or around Aerach and Vask. These battles, when not brought to a stalemate by fleeing to an SvS-protected Trade Outpost (enabled by the absence of Combat Tags at the time), would often encourage FellOffBridge to support z4nityy with the Vask Authority battlecruiser ARMAGEDDON.

In one incident, kailie_ made note of z4nityy's logoff coordinates outside of Aerach's gravity well, found a Vask Authority starfighter there, and disassembled the unprotected ship with a power drill. Only the unbroken computer and a sign remained. When z4nityy came online to bomb Cicatrix, they mistakenly claimed to staff that the ship was locked and a glitch had been abused to gain entry, thereby getting themselves a restored starfighter. Shortly thereafter, GutinGongoozler checked the disassembly area with /co i, realized the error, and deleted z4nityy's ship mid-dogfight with Ilios Alliance pilot yodabird19.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • On October 9th, 2018, at 9:27am, kailie_ contacted Star Legacy developer Arulaun and proposed that inertia be added as a mechanic to Star Legacy's /cruise command. Arulaun modified the code and it was implemented into the experimental server by 2:31pm the same day.
  • kailie_ keeps a pet brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) in an enclosure on her computer desk. The widow's name is (Raspberry) Muffin.
  • kailie_ organizes her Spotify playlists by "vibe", and her genres of choice are varied. Her current influential artists include Ethel Cain, Zheani, Lingua Ignota, CORPSE, K. Flay, The Pretty Reckless, and Hozier.