Blast Resistance

From Horizon's End Wiki
Revision as of 02:49, 14 March 2025 by Gregolegomonkey (talk | contribs)
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The blast resistance of blocks affects the amount of damage that shields take and the strength of explosions when a shield is disabled.

A starship's hull should be constructed of armor blocks with high blast resistance such as stairs, slabs, walls, and terracotta, which have a modified blast resistance of 6.0. Core structural blocks such as concrete, which has a lower blast resistance of 1.8, cause shields to take more damage and explosions of unshielded blocks to be more powerful. Glass blocks and panes have a blast resistance of 5.0 and are often the only exterior weakpoints on a well-built starship.

Blast resistance does not affect the amount of power drained when an explosion is negated by an Area Shield.

Some blocks have their blast resistance modified from vanilla Minecraft values. The modified blast resistance values can be found by using /blastresistance [block name], at the Horizon's End github, or in the chart below:

Block Blast Resistance
Obsidian 8.0
Crying Obsidian 8.0
Netherite Block 8.0
All Stairs, Slabs, & Walls 6.0
All Terracotta & Glazed Terracotta 6.0
All Custom Blocks 6.0
Lapis Lazuli Block 6.0
Furnace 6.0
Dispenser 6.0
All Trapdoors 6.0
Anvil 6.0
Ancient Debris 6.0
Respawn Anchor 6.0
Enchanting Table 6.0
All Glass Blocks 5.0
All Glass Panes 5.0
End Stone 5.0
End Portal Frame 5.0
Magma Block 0.3