
From Horizon's End Wiki
Revision as of 20:48, 27 December 2024 by Bwazedilla (talk | contribs)

Nations are are an entity consisting of member settlements and players. Create a nation to collaborate with other players and participate in nation activities.

For a Complete list of nations go here: geopolitics

Creating A Nation

Players must be level 12 to create a nation.
A nation must be created by the owner of a settlement. That player will become the leader of the nation.
It costs 20000 credits to form a nation.

Nation Abilities

Claim territories on a planet without forming a settlement with /n claim.
Invite another settlement to join your nation with /n invite.
Participate in siege station sieges with /siege. The maximum benefit a nation can extract from siege stations is 300C/hour (4 stations) per payout and potentially a 30% bonus to crating (6 stations); aditionally, siege stations reduce warm up times in hyperdrives.
Create your own nation space stations (separate from siege stations) with /nstation; the price per given radius equates to .5 x (πr^2).
Earn passive income for every active player in your nation.

Nation Commands

Modify nation roles

Set another nation to Ally status

Set another nation to Friendly status

Set another nation to Neutral status

Set another nation to Unfriendly status

Set another nation to Enemy status

Check nation relations

Check the balance of a nation

Deposit money into the nation balance

Withdraw money from the nation balance

Claim a nation territory

Unclaim a nation territory

View the top nations on Horizon's End

Check your current nation invites

Form a nation

Sets the capital settlement of a nation (transfers leadership)

Change the nation color

Rename a nation

Deletes the nation (cannot be undone)

Checks nation info

Invite a settlement to a nation

Kicks a settlement from the nation