Siege Station
Siege Stations are pre-generated regions in space, that can be captured by nations through military force.
There are 24 siege stations on Horizon's End, spread across the space worlds Asteri, Regulus, Sirius, Ilios, and Horizon. Stations can be sieged by any nation during their siege window (see "Sieging" section below); however, doing so is typically considered by most nations on the server to be an act of war, and thus is typically reserved for nations in active conflict.
Sieging[edit | edit source]
All siege stations have an assigned 1-hour siege window in which the station is vulnerable to be sieged. As there are 24 siege stations, there is always exactly one station available to siege at any given moment in time. Which station is presently available can be checked by running the command /siege while outside of any siege station radius.
To siege a station, a player in a ship sized 2000 blocks or more must run the /siege command while inside of the station radius. Doing so will send a public message in chat and on Discord (alerting defenders to your actions, if they did not notice you previously), and start a 15-minute siege timer. The siege succeeds if the timer reaches 0; the siege fails if the sieging ship is sunk or exits the station radius.
Members of the defending nation or its allies may defend the station. The presence of any defending ships sized 2000 blocks or more inside of the station radius halts the countdown of the timer. Defenders and attackers must therefore engage in SvS until only one side's forces remain in the station radius (potentially with the exception very small ships such as starfighters).
Siege Station Benefits[edit | edit source]
Owning a siege station conveys benefits to the nation that owns it, which incentivizes powerful nations to capture and defend these stations.
Crate Trading Bonus[edit | edit source]
All members of a nation that owns one or more siege stations receive bonus revenue for all crate shipments to Trade Cities or Outposts. This bonus is equal to 5% per owned station, up to a maximum of 30% with 6 stations (additional stations beyond this do not give more bonus).
As this bonus applies to revenue rather than profit, the increase in income derived from this bonus is more than 5% per station, since the cost of buying crates is a constant.
Hyperdrive Warmup Reduction[edit | edit source]
All members of a nation that owns three or more siege stations will experience reduced hyperdrive warmup times when jumping to hyperspace. The reduction in warmup time is equal to 1.5 seconds per siege station above the second (rounded down). This can present a marginal advantage in ship combat, as a nation that owns several siege stations will be able to jump to hyperspace more quickly than their opponents in combat.
Passive Income[edit | edit source]
All siege stations add 75 credits per hour to the balance of the nation that owns them, up to a maximum of 300 (which is achieved at 4 stations). This means that owning one siege station for 30 days generates 54000 credits in passive income, an amount which can become considerable with multiple stations across longer stretches of time.
Two siege stations (150 credits per hour) are sufficient to keep up with the 125 credit per hour upkeep cost of owning a Trade City.
List of Siege Stations[edit | edit source]
Station | Location | Siege Window |
AsteriFuelDepot | Central Asteri | 0:00-1:00 UTC |
GateProjectAlpha | West Asteri | 1:00-2:00 UTC |
DeepSpaceResearchStation | Southwest Horizon | 2:00-3:00 UTC |
ArtifactAlpha | Northeast Sirius | 3:00-4:00 UTC |
RegulusCargoDepotBeta | Northeast Regulus | 4:00-5:00 UTC |
DeepSpaceSignalAlpha | Central Horizon | 5:00-6:00 UTC |
RegulusFuelDepot | Central Regulus | 6:00-7:00 UTC |
DeepSpaceSignalBeta | Central Horizon | 7:00-8:00 UTC |
AsteriResearchStation | South Asteri | 8:00-9:00 UTC |
GateProjectBeta | Northwest Regulus | 9:00-10:00 UTC |
IliosCargoDepot | Southeast Ilios | 10:00-11:00 UTC |
ArtifactBeta | Southeast Sirius | 11:00-12:00 UTC |
IliosFuelDepot | Central Ilios | 12:00-13:00 UTC |
ArtifactDelta | Southwest Sirius | 13:00-14:00 UTC |
RegulusResearchStation | Southwest Regulus | 14:00-15:00 UTC |
DeepSpaceSignalDelta | Northeast Horizon | 15:00-16:00 UTC |
AsteriCargoDepot | North Asteri | 16:00-17:00 UTC |
GateProjectDelta | North Ilios | 17:00-18:00 UTC |
DeepSpaceFuelDepot | East Horizon | 18:00-19:00 UTC |
GateProjectGamma | Southeast Ilios | 19:00-20:00 UTC |
IliosResearchStation | West Ilios | 20:00-21:00 UTC |
ArtifactGamma | Northwest Sirius | 21:00-22:00 UTC |
RegulusCargoDepotAlpha | Southeast Regulus | 22:00-23:00 UTC |
DeepSpaceSignalGamma | Northwest Horizon | 23:00-0:00 UTC |