Starship Gravity Well
Starship Gravity Well | |
Properties | |
Resource Requirements | |
Container (any type) | 1 |
Diamond Block | 1 |
Glass (any color) | 1 |
Iron Block | 4 |
Sign (any type) | 1 |
Sponge | 1 |
Slab (any type) | 2 |
Stairs (any type) | 9 |
Gravity Well multiblocks create a gravity well centered on the ship that activates it. A gravity well a region of space that inhibits hyperspace travel for all ships,
A starship's interdiction (gravity well) range depends on its size. Right-clicking the multiblock's sign or executing the /gravwell command will toggle the starship's gravity well instantly.
Gravity wells can be detected with the sign text [gravitywell] or [gravwell].
All space-worthy ships other than starfighters can carry gravity well multiblocks.
All ships within the gravity well range will be unable to initiate jumps to hyperspace; any ships that pass over the gravity well while in hyperspace will be pulled out of hyperspace.
A ship with a gravity well must stop cruising before activating. Attempting to cruise with a gravity well on will disable the gravity well.
Left clicking the gravity well sign while the gravity well is active will perform a Gravity Pulse, reducing the cruise speed of all ships in range by 20%. Two chetherite will be consumed per pulse.
Active starship, planetary, and stellar gravity wells can be seen on the server dynmap.